Press Release: Local Rotary Club Wraps Up Busy Year of Community Service

Waterville, Maine — The Waterville Rotary Noon club has had a busy year of putting “Service above Self”. With the new Rotary year starting in July, the club has already completed several Community Outreach and assistance projects.
In June, to wrap up the previous year, Rotary District 7790 hosted its District Conference in Waterville. Visiting many local businesses, tours, and events, Waterville saw an economic impact of over $100,000 in spending over the two-day conference. Many visitors also extended their stay in Waterville beyond the conference.
Press Release: Local Rotary Club Wraps Up Busy Year of Community Service 2025-01-21 05:00:00Z 0
Waterville Rotary Fall Auction 2024-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - October 24, 2024

End Polio Now | World Polio Day | October 24

Rotary Club of Waterville Purple Pinky Project

Location: Colby College, KVCC, Shaw's Supermarket, Thomas College, AYCC

This project aimed to inform the local community of the effects of polio and helped raise funds for End Polio Now.
Donate Here:  using Club ID:  6317
It was a successful event as we helped to educate and raise funds (which were matched 2:1 by the
Gates Foundation) at 5 locations (KVCC, Colby College, Thomas College, Alfond Youth Center, Shaw's supermarket)
....all while we were promoting "Rotarians In Action".
End Polio Now Fundraiser - Purple Pinky Day | #EndPolio | | Rotary Club of Waterville
World Polio Day - October 24, 2024 2024-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

South End National Night Out

Rotarians at South End National Night Out Event
Rotarians Jeff Melanson, Michele Prince, Andrea Pasco and Dan Eccher volunteered to help distribute hundreds of LLBean backpacks filled with school supplies at the South End Neighborhood Association's 18th Annual "South End National Night Out Event on August 6 at the Green Street Park in Waterville.
Club member Jim Chapman, Advisor of the Kennebec Valley Business Club and Student Senate also volunteered at the festival. The students offered face painting and a ring toss game with prizes. They loved spending time with the community and are looking forward to future collaborations
South End National Night Out 2024-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Riverwalk Clean-Up

Despite  90F+ record breaking temperatures on Wednesday June 19, Rotary volunteers  weeded and mulched  gardens at the Riverwalk at Head of Falls, one of our club's signature projects.
There is a planned tour of the Riverwalk  for attendees at this weekend's Rotary District Conference, so we want the walk to look its best!
Thanks to (in alphabetic order):
Roger Crouse
John Dalton
Dan Eccher
Peter Garrett
Jeff Melanson
Michele Prince
Suzanne Uhl-Melanson
and thanks also from the Sunrise Rotary Club members Mary Morrison, Tom Munson & Jim Nelson
....and also to Roger and William, missionaries from Roger's church who lent a hand!
Riverwalk Clean-Up 2024-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary District Conference

Plan to join us in Waterville - on June 21, 22, and 23 for the 2024 District Conference. Our Keynote Speaker will be Kevin Hines, author, filmmaker, mental health advocate, and suicide prevention activist. There will be amazing speakers, interactive activities, a summer garden party, a House of Friendship, and many opportunities to experience Hope in Action! 
For additional information and registration, please see:
Rotary District Conference 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Toothpaste from Rotarians

Our club was happy to  join the Sunrise Club to collect toothpaste for the Waterville Area Essentials Closet.  Over 5 dozen tubes of toothpaste was donated by club members.  The Closet is a program of the 1srt Congregational Church of Waterville and provides personal and household items for community members in need.  They have served over 1650 different people who represent more than 4500 family members in their homes.
Toothpaste from Rotarians 2024-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

SENA Clean Up 2024

Members of our club participated in the South End Neighborhood Association 
Annual Spring Clean Up, which was held on Saturday April 27.  Rotarians gathered trash from both sides of  Donald Carter Memorial Drive leading from
the bridge to the intersection of Grove St in Waterville.  
18 contractor size garbage bags of roadway trash were collected along with a pickup truck bed of larger items,  We estimated that at least 90% of the trash collected was plastic!  
SENA Clean Up 2024 2024-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

SENA's Annual Bicycle Program

At a recent club meeting, Dan Eccher, club president and Michele Prince, Community Services Chair present Paula Raymond of the South End Neighborhood Association (SENA) a check for $1500.00 to support purchase of bikes for SENA's annual bicycle  program.
SENA's Annual Bicycle Program 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

2024 Spring Social & Charity Auction

Waterville Rotary Spring Social & Charity Auction; Thursday, May 30, 5-8pm; Kennebec Valley Community College, King Hall Campus Center, Fairfield Campus; Social & Dinner (cash bar); Silent & Live Auction Event
2024 Spring Social & Charity Auction Matthew Hunt 2024-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Community Grant Recipients

The Waterville Rotary club continues to support local non[profits who address food insecurity in our community.  The club recently made $1,000 donations to  the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter, The Winslow Community Cupboard and the Waterville Area Soup Kitchen.  On 2/26 representatives attended a club meeting/luncheon and were recognized for their efforts in addressing hunger in our communities.
from left to right:  
Tom Canavin, Kitchen Coordinator and Tanya Fossett, Director of Development and Communications, both from Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter; 
Steve Bolduc, Volunteer, Winslow Community Cupboard;  
Janet Brunette, Board Member from Waterville Area Soup Kitchen
Community Grant Recipients 2024-03-04 05:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army Cups & Fines

Salvation Army CheckAt the club meeting on Monday February 12, Dan Eccher, Club President presented a check for $890.00 to Keith Davis, of the Salvation Army.  The funds were collected as "cups and fines" at meetings during the months of November and December 2023.
Salvation Army Cups & Fines 2024-02-14 05:00:00Z 0
Rhoda Reads Training Session 2024-02-10 05:00:00Z 0

Press Release – 2024 Food insecurity donations

The Waterville Rotary Club raised $5,000 this year to support local organizations that address food insecurity.  In the prior three years the club  donated a total of $40,622 to organizations addressing hunger and basic needs.
According to Club president Daniel Eccher, “Our club became aware of the intense need in our community during the pandemic.  We have directed a portion of our fundraising efforts each year since 2021 to help support the great work of local meal programs and food pantries, including some housed in our schools.  We know that they operate on tight budgets and are dependent upon donations in order to feed people who don’t have enough resources to prevent hunger.”
Press Release – 2024 Food insecurity donations 2024-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill

Ron Joseph, author of  "Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs, and Hermit Bill: Memories of a Wildlife Biologist In Maine" talked to our club about his 30 years of working in the woods of the northern and western part of the state.  At one of the largest attended club meetings, Ron, a retired Maine wildlife biologist, spoke of growing up on his grandparent's farm  in Mercer and related many anecdotes about his encounters with wildlife throughout his career.   
Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill 2024-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Capital Area New Mainers Project (CANMP)

Chris Myers Asch, Executive Director from the Capital Area New Mainers Project (CANMP) spoke to the club today about the organization's efforts to help welcome refugee newcomers to Central Maine. For the past 6 years, CANMP has offered English classes, housing assistance, scholarships, an Activity Fund, celebrations and more as they have helped to build a thriving and diverse community together.  He explained their Family Mentor Team approach in which volunteers help new refugee families adjust to life here in Maine through shared activities. 
For more information:
"Immigrants have been the lifeblood of Maine since colonial times and they continue to be. Today's new Mainers bring energy, cultural vitality, and economic promise to our community  and we are fortunate that they have chosen to live here."
  ---Bill, elected official
Capital Area New Mainers Project (CANMP) Matthew Hunt 2023-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

2023 Mini-grant program

The Waterville Rotary Club raised funds over the past year in order to support local schools, churches and other organizations providing food and basic necessities to our neighbors in need.  Grants were awarded to 13  local organizations who work hard to ensure that no one goes hungry or lacks basic living supplies in our community.  
2023 Mini-grant program 2023-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
Waterville Rotary Club Mini-Grant Applications Matthew Hunt 2022-10-24 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary Grant

DGE Tina goes to the Zone Institute

DGE Tina Chapman attended the Zone Institute in Toronto in September 2022 for District Governor Elect Training.
DGE Tina with DG Denis Blouin, PDG Yves Fecteau, DGN Dino Marzaro
DGE Tina goes to the Zone Institute Tina Chapman 2022-09-30 04:00:00Z 0
RI President Jennifer Jones kicks off her year in Quebec City! 2022-07-10 04:00:00Z 0
Waterville Rotary Club Combats Youth Homelessness 2022-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Join us for wine, Rotary trivia and membership!

Welcome to Spring!!
We invite you to join us in an evening of wine tasting, Rotary trivia, and membership. Why? So we can demonstrate a simple opportunity for an in-person or remote fellowship experience while discussing membership ideas and creating a list of ideas to bring back to your club.  Below is an invite to the event and some details that you can use should you decide to do this event.  
We hope you or someone from your club will join us for the evening. Who doesn't want to share a glass of wine and increase ideas for recruitment and retention of our most valued assets, our members!! 
Click the image above to register! 
Join us for wine, Rotary trivia and membership! 2022-03-20 04:00:00Z 0
KVCAP Food & Fun Drive Thru Event 2021-10-11 04:00:00Z 0

Changing of the Guards!

On Monday, June 28th we celebrated our amazing outgoing Rotary Club President Jeff Jolicoeur (l) and welcomed incoming Rotary Club President, the fantastic Jeff Melanson (r).  What could be better than "The Jeff's"!
Changing of the Guards! 2021-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

Palmyra Soup Kitchen's New Stove

Dear Waterville Rotary Members,
We are so thankful for your grant of $1000 towards the purchase of our new stove. We also received $1000 from another grant.  The price of the stove was $2000!  Exactly what we had for funds.  Please see the picture of it ready to be installed in the Palmyra Baptist Worship Center Soup Kitchen.  It is the perfect size and just what we needed!  Again, thank you so much for your support!

Sincerely,  Sharon Kimball (for Palmyra Baptist Soup Kitchen)
Palmyra Soup Kitchen's New Stove 2021-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Annual Spring Fling Entertainment!

Did you miss Rotary's Spring Fling?  Luckily, you can check out two exclusive videos from the evening's event here.  First is the very talented Michael Reny, who is often performing locally.  And, Front and Main's John Philips Sandy showcases the restaurant's signature cocktail.  Click on the photos to watch their videos! 
Annual Spring Fling Entertainment! 2021-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Food Security Grants Awarded

Waterville Rotary Club recently provided $15k in grants to address food insecurity in the greater Waterville area.  Click here for a link to WABI-TV news coverage.  
Proposed campus community-fridge program faces possible liability | The  Sheaf - The University of Saskatchewan Newspaper Since 1912
Eight grant applications were accepted, with the following list of recipients recommended by the committee, and ratified by the Rotary board: 
  • Central Maine Gleaners:  Community Fridge Program with fridge located in Waterville and food available to all. Amount awarded: $1,950.00.
  • Waterville Area Essentials Closet & Starfish Village/First Congregational Church: Essentials Closet offers essential items to anyone in need in the greater Waterville area. Starfish Village helps homeless families and individuals with needs not met by other services. Amount awarded: $2,850.00.
  • Palmyra Baptist Worship Food Bank/Soup Kitchen: Purchase of commercial stove to continue food provision to multiple community residents. Amount awarded: $1,000.
  • Oakland Food Pantry: Serves residents of Oakland. No person in need of food turned away. Amount awarded: $1,384.00.
  • Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter: Offers bed nights and essential items to vulnerable and low-wealth Mainers in need of shelter. Amount awarded: $2,000.
  • Interfaith Resource Fund: Meets emergency needs of residents of Waterville and Winslow for housing, food, and other essentials. Amount awarded: $2,000.
  • Boys & Girls Club of Greater Waterville: Provisions of all day care, meals, snacks and weekend meal backpacks for area youth throughout Kennebec County. Amount awarded: $2,850.00.
  • Northern Light Health: Provision of food and essential items through Women’s Health. Planning expansion of services. Amount awarded: $1,500.00.
Food Security Grants Awarded 2021-04-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rocket Launch

Members of the Rotary Club of Waterville learned some of what goes into a Maine-based rocket launch with guest speaker Seth Lockman of bluShift Aerospace Inc. “Watching a rocket launch is really a full-body experience,” Lockman told local Rotarians. Read the full article here. 
Rocket Launch 2021-03-24 04:00:00Z 0

Grant Opportunity - Food & Essentials

Waterville Rotary will soon be announcing selected local organizations to receive grant funding to address food insecurity and lack of basic needs supplies in our community. 
Grant Opportunity - Food & Essentials 2021-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

Mid-Maine Global Forum 12/14/2020 Presentation

On December 14, 2020 Rotary Club of Waterville was pleased to host the Mid-Maine Global Forum. Our speaker George Ritz offered an amazing presentation about his life's work in Paraguay and the Andrea Ritz Clinics in Paraguay.  If you missed the presentation, you can view the Zoom recording here.  You will need to enter uMQ%g1hT as the password. 
Mid-Maine Global Forum 12/14/2020 Presentation 2020-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Dine-Around Fundraiser a Success!

Thank you to Rotarians and community members who purchased Dine-Around Raffle Tickets!  We are pleased to announce that we raised nearly $2000 which was matched by a Rotary District Grant. Waterville Rotary presented a check to KVCAP for $3950 to purchase books for their upcoming Community Days event. 
Michele Prince, KVCAP COO and Jeff Jolicoeur, Rotary President 
Dine-Around Fundraiser a Success! 2020-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary Fireside Chat with Author Barbara Walsh

Come join Maine Pulitzer Prize-winning Author Barbara A. Walsh for a Fireside Chat for Rotarians. Learn about how she authored a children's book - Rhoda's Rescue for Rotary Club of Waterville's Early Literacy program Rhoda Reads.  Rhoda's Rescue has since been translated and published into both French and Spanish. Barbara will also talk about her three other books, including "The Goose Lady" which has just been released. "The Goose Lady" is a true story about Marjorie Bean Scott from Augusta, Maine who dressed her cement lawn goose for 23 years, delighting thousands of children, tourists and grown-ups.  

Click here to register. A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants on November 30th.  

A Rotary Fireside Chat with Author Barbara Walsh 2020-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

It's Auction Time!

NOTICE: The Online Auction closing has been extended to 6:00 pm Sunday Dec 3 

Bidding starts Saturday, Nov 25, 6:00 pm
and ends Sunday, Dec 3, 6:00 pm

60th Annual

Online Auction

Hear us live on The Mix 107.9 FM        
Wednesday, Nov 29 | 6:00-7:30 pm
Pay for items directly on Bidding Owl.
Pick up is Friday, December 8 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm at Central Maine Auto Chrysler-Dodge, 300 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville
For questions or to make a donation call 207-649-2745
Proceeds from our 2023 Rotary Online Auction will again go to benefit many
important community programs.  This year, Waterville Rotary’s initiatives focus
on our greatest asset-our children.  For example, among many service projects that we assist with we will support KVCAP’s South End Teen Center.
It's Auction Time! 2020-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Dine-Around-Town Fundraiser

Rotary Club of Waterville’s new Dine Around Town Raffle is a fundraising effort with a two-fold purpose: to support local restaurants and to provide money to buy books for the Kennebec Valley Community Action Community Days program. With the pandemic placing limitations on availability of reading materials, money raised will help supply much-needed books to area school-aged children. In rolling out the Dine Around Town Raffle program, Jeff Jolicoeur, Rotary Club of Waterville president, said, “Two of Rotary’s primary areas of focus are basic literacy and economic development. During this pandemic, children from low-income families and local businesses have been particularly vulnerable. This raffle will allow the Rotary to purchase up to $3,000 worth of books from a local business (The Children’s Book Cellar) and get them into the hands of those most in need. Jolicoeur said that Rotary members have donated nearly $1,400 in gift certificates for prizes for the raffle, which can be used at area restaurants. Books bought through the raffle will be distributed by KVCAP, Educare Central Maine and Waterville Creates!. Prize packages for the raffle are: First prize – $500 collection of gift certificates; Second prize – $250 collection of gift certificates; Five third prizes of a collection of cards valued at $100. Tickets are $5 each, or a book of five is $20. Tickets are on sale through Friday, Nov. 27, and available from area Rotary Club of Waterville members, or by contacting Jeff Melanson at or 207-314-0412.
Winners will be drawn on Monday, Nov. 30 (do not have to be present to win).  
Dine-Around-Town Fundraiser 2020-10-26 04:00:00Z 0
Spanish Version of Rhoda's Rescue has arrived 2020-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Spring Fling

Thank you to all who participated in our Spring Fling Auction!  We are pleased to announce that we have raised over $7000 for United Way of Mid-Maine's Community Response Fund!
Spring Fling 2020-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

A message from President Peter Garrett

Rotary's memorable motto is "Service above Self." And we are all wondering how that translates with social distancing as the new norm. Below I give you three ways to participate as a Rotarian:
First is that we will be holding all meetings in the near future using Zoom software to meet online. I will be sending invitations to Club Members about next Monday's meeting at noon in a separate email. Waterville Sunrise will also be joining us. 
Second, if you feel comfortable doing so, please volunteer at something, bearing in mind the need for social distancing.
  • Meals on Wheels still needs help with both packers and drivers.
  • The UU Church is still offering its evening sandwich program Monday thru Friday 1-5, and could use help preparing the meals (call Larry Dickey at 313-2910).
  • The Homeless Shelter also needs help with donations of some supplies. Check out just what at They will also be grateful for money. 
  • On the remarkable volunteering side, note that Waterville Winslow and Vassalboro school staff and teachers are preparing lunches that are then delivered all around on school buses! Also, the Alfond Center is preparing 1000 meals per day for distribution! 
Third, be sure to exercise, go take a walk, or run, or bike ride on one of the many trails in Kennebec Messalonskee Trails. You could "do a marathon" during this extraordinary period by exploring all 18 of our trail routes or sets of trails. See for a map and brief descriptions.

A message from President Peter Garrett 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

A Message from Peter Garrett, Club President

First, some words of wisdom from Martin Luther King Jr.:
The ultimate measure for us is not where we stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where we stand at times of Challenge and Controversy.
We had a pretty good turnout for our meeting on Monday, March 16th at the Best Western, with 10 in person and another 5 on Zoom.  We decided that we would hold regular Monday meetings on Zoom during the continuing coronavirus challenge. I will set them up for 5:30pm, so please put such meetings on your calendar. I will make sure that the software works. 5:30 will be a good time for "Happy Hour" so be prepared with Happy Dollars! We may or may not have speakers.
I have been researching ways in which we can be of assistance to those who need it. First reply came from the Muskie Center. The Center is closed for normal daily operations. But their Meals-on-Wheels program is ongoing, and they could use these volunteers on a daily basis:
5 packers for 3 hours per day, approx 7:30 to 10:30 am
6 drivers for 2-3 hours of driving daily, starting at 9 am. 
Senior Spectrum has been applying for a waiver from the insurance company re. background checks for drivers. Assuming all is well, you would show up at the back door of the Muskie Center (up the ramp), and will be asked the following questions (everyone's being very careful):
Have you or a close acquaintance, in the last 30 days…
  • Traveled to one of the countries or regions listed as of March 13, 2020? China or Europe.
  • Been in close proximity to a COVID 19 infected person?
  • Been diagnosed with COVID 19 such as fever, cough, shortness of breath?
  • Been to a healthcare facility where people infected with COVID 19 would be treated such as hospital, ER, or walk-in facility?
If interested and willing, please contact Jessica ( or at 620-1684). Remember, this is volunteering to support the needs for meals mostly of our senior citizens, but also to touch base with them, to chat briefly and share your personality. 
Other ideas will be coming. We as Rotarians will rise to the Challenge I feel sure. 
A Message from Peter Garrett, Club President 2020-03-17 04:00:00Z 0
Lucky Lucille wins again! 2019-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Presentation!

Tom Longstaff, Chair of the Foundation Committee, presents Paul Harris Fellows to Peter Garrett, Suzanne Uhl-Melanson, Lou Smith, Dan Parks, Dave Grenier, John Dalton, and Tina Chapman. 
Did you know our Rotary club currently has 34 Paul Harris Fellows? 
Thank you all for giving significant contributions to the Rotary Foundation and making a difference in our community and around the world!
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation! 2019-07-17 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club de Quebec 100 anniversaire 2019-06-21 04:00:00Z 0
Congratulations Kim! 2019-05-21 04:00:00Z 0
Spring Fling Auction! 2019-03-11 04:00:00Z 0

Amarinda Keys to present on Monday, March 11, 2019

Come learn about the Children's Discovery Museum coming to Waterville! 

In 2015 Amarinda was hired as the Executive Director. Since then, Amarinda has worked to balance the museum’s budget, pull the organization out of debt, and increase museum attendance. In 2015 she was chosen as an example of exceptional teaching by the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance. In 2016 she began working to relocate the organization to Waterville, Maine in order to ensure the longevity and sustainability of the organization.

Amarinda Keys to present on Monday, March 11, 2019 2019-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Centennial Gala

More photos of the Centennial Gala in the photo album in lower right side bar. 
Centennial Gala Tina Chapman 2018-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Carrie Jones inspires, Operation HOPE reminds...

Posted by Nathan Towne on Aug 27, 2018
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On August 27th the Rotary Club of Waterville gathered for our usual Monday Noon lunchtime meeting - preparing to do the unusual: donate more than $5,000 hard-raised Rotary dollars to support local efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. No, we didn't give the money to help the Waterville Police Department enforce more drug busts - we gave the money for Operation HOPE, a very important local effort in Waterville that stands for Heroin Opiate Prevention Effort. HOPE's fundamental operating philosophy focuses on enforcement, education and treatment. 
Since the implementation of HOPE, the Waterville Police Department has placed approximately 75 addicts into treatment facilities for rehabilitation. While enforcement and education are important aspects of the program, treatment is the primary focus that helps those that are addicted to opioids take back their life. Individuals that come to the police department seeking help for their opiate addiction are placed into one of 300 PAARI partnered rehabilitation facilities around the country. Of course, paying for their initial 30-day treatment, travel, housing and other necessities can cost upwards of three thousand dollars for one individual. That is why donations such as ours are so important if our community is going to sustain this vital program that gives opiate addicts a second chance at life. A testament to the positive impact that HOPE can have on an addict's life is the recent Emily Buker story where she credits HOPE for saving her life, returning her mental and physical well-being, and most importantly allowed her to be a mom again to her 11-year-old son. Your generous donation will allow the Waterville Police Department to continue helping those opiate addicts that find themselves in their darkest moments with no place to tum for help, except HOPE!! Here's a copy of the letter from Chief Massey and the Waterville Police Department, thanking our Club for the donation. No, thank YOU Chief! 
Carrie Jones inspires, Operation HOPE reminds... Nathan Towne 2018-08-27 04:00:00Z 0 Carrie Jones,Operation Hope,Rotary Grant

Save the Date for the RiverWalk Ribbon Cutting

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Recently a group of Rotarians on the City of Waterville's RiverWalk Committee took a tour of the construction zone at Head of Falls -- progress is coming along very nicely! The pavers are being installed and look beautiful - especially in the Gazebo area, where the compass is situated. Planning for the October 6th Ribbon Cutting with the Honorable George Mitchell will begin soon and as soon as we have a schedule we'll announce it to Rotary and the world! For now, mark your calendars -- October 6th is going to be an all-day affair for many of us!
Save the Date for the RiverWalk Ribbon Cutting Nathan Towne 2018-08-10 04:00:00Z 0 RiverWalk

The first Noel? No, not really. Welcome to Waterville District Governor Marcel Noel! 

Posted by Nathan Towne on Jul 19, 2018
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On Monday, July 16th the Rotary Club of Waterville welcomed our new District Governor of 7790 -- Marcel Noel -- to Waterville! The weekly club meeting was extra special with all attending Rotarians looking extra spiffy for Marcel, and we think our rendition of "Oh Canada" in his honor was one of our club's best songs yet. (Brilliant work bringing the portable speaker Jennifer, it really helped!) Our new President Jennifer Olsen helped kick off the meeting on a high note, as did Marcel, whose speech inspired all members to continue to work hard here in Waterville for the Rotary cause -- and to inspire others to do the same. 
Speaking of inspirational, Rotarian Tina Chapman received a special commendation from Marcel Noel -- for her amazing service to our Club and Rotary International district 7790!
The first Noel? No, not really. Welcome to Waterville District Governor Marcel Noel! Nathan Towne 2018-07-19 04:00:00Z 0 Augusta,District 7790,Sunrise,Unity

Former Maine Senator George J. Mitchell to Provide Keynote Speech at the Waterville Rotary Club Centennial Gala in Waterville on October 6

Posted by Nathan Towne on Jun 20, 2018
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The Rotary Club of Waterville will celebrate 100 years of serving our local and global communities at a special Centennial gala event at Thomas College on Saturday, October 6th featuring a very special keynote by renowned Paul Harris Fellow, citizen, and respected leader, the Honorable George J. Mitchell.
An evening of dinner, music, dancing, celebration and camaraderie will bring the community together to celebrate the Rotary Club of Waterville’s centennial and the Club’s impact on the world and here in the City of Waterville, including a donation of $150,000 to the development of the Waterville Riverwalk at Head of Falls. This significant donation was the first major commitment to the project, drawing attention to the opportunity and kicking off a wave of donations from community and business leaders that has made this dream into a reality for the community in 2018. Tickets available online at:
Former Maine Senator George J. Mitchell to Provide Keynote Speech at the Waterville Rotary Club Centennial Gala in Waterville on October 6  Nathan Towne 2018-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

People of Action: Jen Olsen

Posted by Nathan Towne on Apr 29, 2018
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On Friday, April 27th Jennifer Olsen, Waterville Rotary Club President Elect, gave a PechaKucha Night Waterville presentation titled "Rotary is My Yoga Mat" where she shared her history with Rotary International and her hopes and plans for our Waterville Rotary Club when she becomes President.
People of Action: Jen Olsen Nathan Towne 2018-04-29 04:00:00Z 0 People of Action

Yes, we have a Rotary Club meeting on Patriot's Day - April 16th

Posted by Nathan Towne on Apr 12, 2018
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A quick reminder - we do indeed have a Waterville Rotary Club noon meeting on Monday, April 16th! Though many have the day off for Patriot's Day, most of us do not and therefore we are planning on meeting. Our very special guest is Rotarian Chris Gaunce so let's be sure to have a big crowd. It's a wonderful new meeting location and we're looking forward to hearing Chris speak. See you on Monday at noon!
Yes, we have a Rotary Club meeting on Patriot's Day - April 16th Nathan Towne 2018-04-12 04:00:00Z 0 Meeting

We're Moving on April 2nd - check out our NEW meeting location!

Posted by Nathan Towne on Mar 23, 2018
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On Monday, April 2nd our Waterville Rotary Club noontime meeting will be held in our NEW location - the Best Western Plus Waterville Grand Hotel at 375 Main Street! You know the reason, right? That awesome expansion project at the Alfond Youth Center on North Street means our old location will soon be a construction zone. Our board worked very hard to find a new location (and so quickly too!) and we're super excited to be meeting at the Best Western in Waterville as of April 2nd. See you there - we're thinking of having Nate stationed at the old location to take pictures of confused Rotarians who might not have received the word. (Kidding! Perhaps...)
We're Moving on April 2nd - check out our NEW meeting location! Nathan Towne 2018-03-23 04:00:00Z 0 Meeting

Spring Fling 2018 -- Help!

Posted by NHT and AL on Feb 15, 2018
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Hello Rotary friends!
If you missed our meeting on Monday you missed some great information on this year's Spring Fling! The event is scheduled for April 13th but has a new and exciting venue!  Waterville Brewing on the first floor of the Hathaway Building will host our Spring Fling this year. So exciting!!  Far more than simply a social event, this is one of our Club's biggest fundraisers (we only do two!) and supports all the important work we do here in greater Waterville and around the world. Spring Fling powers Rhoda Reads! RYLA? Not without the Spring Fling, Junior. How about that RiverWalk? It'd be a RiverNOT without the Spring Fling! Our global water projects would dry up as well if not for the Spring Fling.
Are you getting what we're laying down? Time to get in the Spring Fling groove Rotarians! 
Spring Fling 2018 -- Help! NHT and AL 2018-02-15 05:00:00Z 0 Events,Spring Fling

Your Fines Feed our Community!

Posted on Feb 02, 2018
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If you weren't able to attend Monday's meeting, you missed a fantastic presentation on the RiverWalk at Head of Falls (thanks Lisa and Mike!). You also missed hearing about how much money you recently helped us raise for the Waterville Food Bank through those pesky Cups and Fines! How much? Well, we donated a very solid $611 - but exactly how does this money help the Food Bank? We turned to Rotarian Dave Dawson for insight.

Your Fines Feed our Community! NHT 2018-02-02 05:00:00Z 0 Charitable

Waterville Rotary Club Impact Felt in Bangladesh!

We received this message on our Facebook Page today from Tony Shope (thanks Tony!) and just had to share it with all of our Rotarians. We know sometimes things like icky weather, the winter blues or a full schedule make it hard to make it to our weekly Rotary Club meetings and get involved in all our events. But when you DO participate, things like THIS happen. Without you, there'd be less love and hope in the world. And I think we all agree the world needs as much love and hope as possible right now. Do the right thing Rotarians, participate in Rotary. Because when you do: this is the result!
Waterville Rotary Club Impact Felt in Bangladesh! NHT 2018-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

The 32nd Annual MLK Jr. Community Breakfast a Huge Success!

Posted by NHT on Jan 17, 2018
The 32nd Annual MLK Jr. community breakfast, co-sponsored and organized by the Waterville Rotary Club, was a big hit again this year. As in past years, the event was a near sell-out and the program brought out some incredible community supporters including President David A. Greene and our own amazing Rotarians. (We'd like to see MORE amazing Rotarians at this breakfast next year if we continue to help organize this community event.) 
The 32nd Annual MLK Jr. Community Breakfast a Huge Success! NHT 2018-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Join us for the 32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Community Breakfast

Posted on Jan 08, 2018
The 32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day community breakfast will be held at Spectrum Generations Muskie Center on Gold Street in Waterville from 7:30-9:00am on Monday, January 15, 2018. At this popular annual event, cosponsored by the Waterville Rotary Club and Spectrum Generations, David A. Greene, President of Colby College, will give an address titled “Bending towards Justice.” The event is open to the public, tickets are $8 for adults and $3 for children age 12 and under and can be purchased through Spectrum Generations at the Muskie Center.

Buffy Clifford Higgins, President of the Waterville Rotary Club, will be master of ceremonies, Rotarian Richard Dorian of the The Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers will offer the invocation and Rotarian Reverend Alice Anderman will provide the benediction. As always, music and youth participation will be a highlight of this gathering; during the program, attendees will be asked to join in song for “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” accompanied by violinist Peter Garrett, Founder of Kennebec Messalonskee Trails. The Tourmaline Singers will perform two songs led by Harry Vayo, and the audience will also enjoy the talents of violin duo and sisters Pyper and Ivy Birch from the Snow Pond Arts Academy and the Snow Pond Enrichment Program.
We hope to see you there!
Join us for the 32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Community Breakfast NHT 2018-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Get Your Pic on the Website Winners

Basket winner Lucille Z won the honor of having her table's pic on the website!  (l-->r):  Rotarians Kim Lindlof, Lucille Zelenkewich, Frank Preglovesk, Tom Longstaff, and Patty Newman
Get Your Pic on the Website Winners BCH 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Get Ready for the Waterville Rotary Radio Auction: November 29 & 30, 2017

Posted by NHT on Nov 09, 2017

The 53rd Annual Waterville Rotary Radio Auction is almost upon us! Many incredible gifts, services, and discounts will be sold on Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30th as a part of the Waterville Rotary Club’s Annual Radio Auction on Mix 107.9 and Tune in to Mix 107.9 to bid from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, visit to bid online, or call 680-BUY1 or 680-2891 to register or bid on an item.

Get Ready for the Waterville Rotary Radio Auction: November 29 & 30, 2017 NHT 2017-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
Mayor of Waterville Proclaims October 24, 2017 World Polio Day in Waterville Nate Towne 2017-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

It's a busy time of year for Rotarians - People of Action!

Posted on Sep 26, 2017
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Happy Autumnal splendor, Rotarians - fall has arrived and with it a very busy season for the Waterville Rotary Club! Not only do we have our weekly Club meetings, which have been especially wonderful these last few weeks as Rotarians get back into a post-summer routine, but we also have some big events coming our way!
It's a busy time of year for Rotarians - People of Action! NHT 2017-09-26 04:00:00Z 0
Governor Paul LePage Addresses Waterville Rotary Club Nate Towne 2017-08-17 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Our Newest Members!

Our newest members!

Club President Tina Chapman with brand new Rotary members Winifred Tate, Colby College; Sarah Kalagher, Thayer Center for Health; Dan Eccher of Eccher Law, LLC; Jeff Melanson of Creative Print Services; and Club Membership Chair Jennifer Olsen. 
Welcome Winifred, Sarah, Dan, & Jeff!
Welcome to Our Newest Members! 2017-05-09 04:00:00Z 0
Read Across America Day Book Give-A-Way 2017-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
DHHS Commissioner Addresses Large Crowd at Rotary 2017-02-28 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Jeff Jolicoeur Accepts the Read to Me Challenge 2017-02-23 05:00:00Z 0
Spring Fling 2017 is coming! 2017-02-08 05:00:00Z 0
Tina, Ken, Peter and the team in the village of Chipata in Santa Apolonia, Guatemala 2017-01-30 05:00:00Z 0
31st Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast to be held Monday, January 16th 2017-01-13 00:00:00Z 0

52nd Annual Waterville Rotary Auction!

52nd Annual Waterville Rotary Radio Auction to be held November 30th & December 1st from 6:00 – 9:00 PM on The Mix 107.9
Proceeds from the Auction will go to support more community programs including Rhoda Reads, fire awareness and safety initiatives, and the RiverWalk at Head of Falls
52nd Annual Waterville Rotary Auction! 2016-11-22 00:00:00Z 0

Two Newest Members!

The noon time Waterville Rotary Club's two newest members Nate Towne and Jane Zeyak along with membership committee chair Jen Olsen in the middle! WELCOME, Nate & Jane!
Two Newest Members! 2016-09-26 00:00:00Z 0

Rick Dorian

Congratulations to Rick Dorian the Progressive 50/50 winner last week. Although not the grand prize winner, he won the honor of being recognized on our website! Congratulations Rick.
Rick Dorian 2016-08-15 00:00:00Z 0

MEMA: Business & Service Organization Preparedness

Posted on Jul 24, 2016
At the Monday, July 25 meeting, Kathleen Rusley of the Maine Emergency Management Association shared helpful information and recommendations for business and service organization emergency preparedness. The Getting Started with Business Emergency Planning section of the Maine Prepares website has some terrific resources including a checklist and a short list of questions a business owner or service organization can use to begin assessing emergency preparedness. 
MEMA: Business & Service Organization Preparedness 2016-07-25 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Jean-Louis Joly!

District Governor Jean-Louis Joly visited the club on July 18, 2016.
“The only difference between a small opportunity and a great opportunity is what you do with it”. ~ Jean-Louis Joly
District Governor Jean-Louis Joly accepted an $1100 contribution from our club to support the District Governor's project in Cambodia this year!
District Governor Jean-Louis Joly shared a promotional video about the District Conference 7790 scheduled to take place May 19-21, 2017 in Saguenay, Quebec. Looks like a fantastic opportunity!
District Governor Jean-Louis Joly! 2016-07-20 00:00:00Z 0
speaker of the day June 6 Nikole Nadeau 2016-06-07 00:00:00Z 0
speaker of the day May 23 Nikole Nadeau 2016-05-23 00:00:00Z 0

newest members

Our newest members, inducted on May 16
  • Franklin Bouchard, CPA

  • Skye Austin, Summit Natural Gas

  • Nate Rudy, Waterville Creates!

  • Reverend Alice Anderman

newest members Nikole Nadeau 2016-05-16 00:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Fellowship awards 2016-05-09 00:00:00Z 0
2016 Maine Literacy Conference 2016-04-06 00:00:00Z 0
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROTARY!!! 2016-02-23 00:00:00Z 0
Evening social at Colby College 2016-01-29 00:00:00Z 0
new member induction 2016-01-11 00:00:00Z 0
speaker of the day 2015-12-07 00:00:00Z 0
Unity Club Celebration 2015-11-11 00:00:00Z 0
Visiting Rotarian from Kenya, Dolfine Gumba Dawa 2015-10-20 00:00:00Z 0

Suzanne Uhl-Melanson

Congratulations Suzanne, our Progressive 50/50 winner from a couple of weeks ago. Although Suzanne didn't win the grand prize, she won the honor of having her picture posted on our website :) Congratulations...
The Progressive 50/50 is a pot that grows each week as members continue to buy tickets. Each week a ticket is drawn and the winner chooses an envelope. In the envelope is a variety of prizes, from the waiver of a fine to a free lunch, and even to have lunch served to you by the President. Please play often, as half of the pot goes to the grand prize winner and the other half goes directly to the Centennial Project Fund.
Suzanne Uhl-Melanson 2015-09-14 00:00:00Z 0

The Waterville Rotary Club To Celebrate Its Centennial Anniversary With A Grant of $150,000

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The Waterville Rotary Club To Celebrate Its Centennial Anniversary With A Grant of $150,000
To The Kennebec Riverwalk At Head Of Falls Project
Artist Rendering of Waterville Rotary Kennebec Riverwalk Project
This gift, awarded through a competitive RFP process, will assist in dramatic improvements to this underutilized public space, as well as confirm the club's unwavering commitment to the Waterville area.
Waterville, Maine, July 20, 2015 -- The Rotary Club of Waterville, Maine is pleased to announce that it has awarded $150,000 to the Kennebec Riverwalk at Head of Falls initiative.  This innovative project, a collaboration between the City of Waterville and the Kennebec Messalonskee Trails organization, is designed to encourage greater public use of the waterfront area known as Head of Falls for recreation and other community purposes.  It will also assist Main Street businesses by providing an additional highlight destination for local residents and visitors.  This contribution will in part fund improvements including a meandering path, entry pavilion, walkway with ornamental railing, decorative lighting, seating, and landscaping.
The Waterville Rotary Club started planning for this "once in a century" grant opportunity two years ago.  Many Club members generously donated their expertise in defining the objectives for this Request for Proposal, as well as creating a process that was fair, inclusive, and would result in the best choice of grantee.  The RFP was issued in 2014, and five finalist organizations presented their proposals to the Club within the past month.  The Club was seeking a "bricks and mortar" capital improvement project that would have a long lasting, area-wide benefit; encourage further development; reflect Rotary's mission; and require community-wide collaboration on many levels.
This Riverwalk project proposal deeply resonated with the Club, with a vast majority of members voting it as their first choice for funding. Helping to fund the Kennebec Riverwalk At Head Of Falls Project is a win-win for the city of Waterville as well as the Waterville Rotary Club.  Waterville will have an exciting, safe, and family-friendly destination within walking distance to the city's downtown commercial area that also offers enormous potential for the community. This opportunity represents an ideal way for the Club to mark its first 100 years of service to the area.  In addition to its $150,000 grant, the Club's commitment to this project includes in-kind service donations.  The Riverwalk project has been fully embraced by the City but not yet fully funded.  The Club's gift is substantial “seed money” to spur further governmental, local, and private support.  In fact, upon hearing of the Club's award, Kennebec Messalonskee Trails, a partner in this project, immediately contributed an additional grant of $15,000 towards this initiative.
According to Mike Roy, Waterville's City Manager, "We so appreciate the Club's generous contribution towards this Riverwalk project.  These upgrades are a much needed catalyst, and will absolutely help in the rebirth of this important but underutilized area."  Bruce Harrington, the Waterville Rotary Club President adds, "Our local trail system has been developed over the years and is a key part of our area.  This project is a great addition to this local resource, as well as a fantastic investment in Waterville.  I am delighted that our Club can help make that a reality for many generations to come."
The Waterville Rotary Club To Celebrate Its Centennial Anniversary With A Grant of $150,000 Michelle Webb 2015-07-24 00:00:00Z 0

Copy of 2014 Waterville Rotary Auction

Waterville Rotary 50th Annual Radio Auction
Wednesday, December 3 and Thursday, December 4 – 6 to 9 pm. Broadcast on MIX 107.9 or  Call 680-BUY1 or 680-2891
  • Bidding starts at 6:15 pm. If you have not pre-registered, please call for a bidder number, if you do not already have one, between 6:15 and 6:30 pm. Call 680-BUY1 or 680-2891
  • Can’t bid on Wednesday or Thursday? You can pre-bid on items on Tuesday, December 2, 6 to 8 pm. Call 680-BUY1 or 680-2891
How To Bid:
  • Call with item numbers, bid amount, bidder number and phone number.
  • Successful bidders will receive a call within 1 hour after each set. Bids are to be in whole dollars, limit 3 per call.
  • Pick up items at Central Maine Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, 300 KMD, Waterville on Friday, December 5, 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday, December 6, 9 am to 12 pm. Bring your bidder number to pick up your item. Payment in cash, checks, Visa/Mastercard.
The newspaper ad with the item list can be downloaded to the right of this article, or here.
Copy of 2014 Waterville Rotary Auction Bruce Harrington 2014-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Maine General Check Presentation

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Jul 27, 2014
MaineGeneral Medical Center (MGMC) officials were presented today with a check for $18,000 from the Waterville Rotary Club to support the capital campaign for the Alfond Center for Health (ACH). In particular, the club was inspired by the work of MGMC’s Maternity & Pediatrics Center. “MaineGeneral delivers more than 1,000 babies in the Kennebec Valley each year,” said Chuck Hays, CEO of Health. “This generous gift from the Waterville Rotary Club recognizes the high-quality services we provide in our region – especially to our youngest patients.” A nursing station at the ACH’s Maternity & Pediatrics Center will be named for the Waterville Rotary Club.

PHOTO: shown from left, are: Bruce Harrington, Waterville Rotary Club treasurer; Chuck Hays, CEO, MaineGeneral
Health; and Buffy Higgins, director of operations, Thayer Center for Health.
Maine General Check Presentation Bruce Harrington 2014-07-28 00:00:00Z 0
Congressman & Gubernatorial Candidate Michael Michaud Bruce Harrington 2014-06-30 00:00:00Z 0

Youth Matters - YETE - Check Presentation

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Jun 22, 2014

The Waterville Rotary Club presents a check to Youth Matters for $2,500 in support of the Youth Empowerment Through Employment (YETE) program. To learn more, contact the club's vocational services committee.


Youth Matters - YETE - Check Presentation Bruce Harrington 2014-06-23 00:00:00Z 0

Goodwill Hinckley - Maine Academy of Natural Science

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Jun 22, 2014

Today the club was hosted by Glen Cummings and the Maine Academy of Natural Science (MEANS) at the Goodwill-Hinckley campus in Fairfield. Lunch included a variety of home-grown vegetables and herbs that were harvested this morning - and it was delicious. We were given a tour of the campus and were able to see the new greenhouses in action. The school is close to raising the funds needed to renovate one of the historical buildings on campus, which will provide needed space for the growing student population. Learn more at their website:


[View of the greenhouses on campus]


[View of building that will be renovated]

Goodwill Hinckley - Maine Academy of Natural Science Bruce Harrington 2014-06-23 00:00:00Z 0

Jamie Pye - Maine Energy Marketers Association

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Jun 08, 2014

Jamie Pye, President of Maine Energy Marketers Association (MEMA) visited our chapter today to talk about MEMA's role in the energy market in Maine, and about general energy trends.

Jamie Py came to MEMA as Legal Counsel in 1995, and is a 1994 J.D. graduate of the Franklin Pierce Law Center; holds an MBA from Drexel; and is a member of the Maine Bar. In one of his former lives, Jamie worked as the Facility Manager for an oil company in New Hampshire. In 2002, Jamie was named the President of MEMA.

MEMA is an association representing over 350 members, including 170 heating oil, propane, biofuels, pellets, electricity, motor fuels providers and convenience store owners who serve more than 415,000 Maine households. MEMA also has more than 180 associate members who provide goods and services to Maine's petroleum dealers and their customers.

MEMA's website is a resource for people looking to learn more about energy in the State of Maine, and can be foudn here:

Jamie Pye - Maine Energy Marketers Association Bruce Harrington 2014-06-09 00:00:00Z 0

Member Classification Talks

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Jun 01, 2014


Today we enjoyed several member classification talks. Jennifer Olsen discussed her background in the State of Maine and how it drove her passion toward the work that she does at Waterville Main Street.

Matthew Parks discussed his work history and what led him to higher education and his present career at Kaplan University.

And, Chief Massey gave us some insight into the career path that takes a police officer to the position of Chief, and some background about the issues that he and his department face while keeping our streets and community safe.

Thank you to all who shared with us today. It is great to learn more abour our members, and about what drives our members to be successful, contributing Rotarians working to make our community a better place. I encourage you to meet with your fellow Rotarians on a regular basis to get to know one another a little better.


Member Classification Talks Bruce Harrington 2014-06-02 00:00:00Z 0

Bangor Mayor Ben Sprague

Posted by Bruce Harrington on May 11, 2014


Mayor Ben Sprague spoke to the club about his thoughts on economic development, and the role that municipalities play. Ben recently penned a paper discussing a plan to grow the population in Bangor, Maine. That paper can be found here.


Bangor mayor Ben Sprague and Waterville City Manager Mike Roy.

Bangor Mayor Ben Sprague Bruce Harrington 2014-05-12 00:00:00Z 0

Gubernatorial Candidate Eliot Cutler -- Guest Speaker

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Apr 13, 2014

Eliot Cutler was welcomed to Waterville Rotary to share his vision to strategically move Maine forward to a brighter future with a vision plan and strategy that calls for thinking and acting differently, better, and more creatively.


Gubernatorial Candidate Eliot Cutler -- Guest Speaker Bruce Harrington 2014-04-14 00:00:00Z 0

12th Annual Waterville Rotary Golf Tournament - June 19

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Apr 06, 2014

Make your plans now for the annual Waterville Rotary Golf Tournament happening Thursday, June 19 at Natanis (Tomahawk Course). Not an avid golfer but want to join in the fun? No worries. This is a scramble and a great opportunity to give golf a try. Still want to participate but no desire to compete? We have plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the day. Please contact Buffy Higgins for more information.

Click here for our registration form.

We are still looking for sponsors of all kinds, teams and prize donations!! Feel free to let Buffy, Len, Suzanne, Allan, Craig, Darlene, Don, or Lucille know of your ideas.

Click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Tournament Schedule:

Registration 8-8:45 am

Orientation 8:45

Shotgun Start 9:00 am

Lunch on the course

Awards Reception: 3:30 pm

12th Annual Waterville Rotary Golf Tournament - June 19 Bruce Harrington 2014-04-07 00:00:00Z 0

Governor LePage - Guest Speaker

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Apr 06, 2014

Waterville Rotary Club Welcomes Governor Paul LePage


Governer LePage was welcomed by a captive audience of fellow Rotarians during today's noon meeting. Club President Len LeGrand presented Governor LePage with a certificate recognizing that 10 children will be vaccinated against Polio in appreciation of the Governor's presentation and discussion.


Club President Len LeGrand shares the Club's thanks and appreciation to Governor Paul LePage.


 To see more from the Waterville Rotary Club, check us out on Facebook!

Governor LePage - Guest Speaker Bruce Harrington 2014-04-07 00:00:00Z 0

Maine Senate and House Sentiment for Jody E Vlodek Berren - Daugter of Ken Vlodek

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Mar 24, 2014

On March 20th the Senate and House of Representatives joined in a memorial sentiment marking the death of Jody E. Vlodek Berren (Ken's daughter) on what would have been her fortieth birthday. The text of the memorial sentiment that was adopted on that morning follows, as well as a photo from that day:

Jody E. Vlodek Berren, of Sanford, selfless and devoted mother, wife, daughter and friend.  Mrs. Berren was born in Waterville on March 20, 1974, attended Waterville schools and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in home economics and nutrition in 1998 from Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire.  She married Fred Berren on August 21, 1999 and they raised 2 children.  Mrs. Berren worked as a nutritionist for the Women, Infants, and Children Program in Exeter, New Hampshire, as an inpatient dietitian at Frisbie Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New Hampshire and Avis Goodwin Community Health Center in Dover, New Hampshire and as the dietitian for the Sanford-Springvale YMCA and Southern Maine Medical Center in Biddeford.  She was a registered dietitian for the HomeHealth Visiting Nurses diabetes education program.  She was an active member of the Curtis Lake Christian Church.  Mrs. Berren enjoyed cooking, gardening, going to the beach, running, working out and the yearly family vacation to Marco Island, Florida.  She will be remembered by her loving family, many friends and those whose lives she touched.


Maine Senate and House Sentiment for Jody E Vlodek Berren - Daugter of Ken Vlodek Bruce Harrington 2014-03-25 00:00:00Z 0

Spring Fling 2014

Posted by Bruce Harrington on Mar 23, 2014

The Spring Fling is the Waterville Rotary Club's annual spring fundraiser and fellowship event. Come join our members at Julia's Auction Barn on Saturday, April 5, at 5:00 for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship. Be sure to bring your appetite, as you have a choice between steak and lobster for $20, or can have steak AND lobster for $30.

Sunrise Rotary will be joining us for this event, so this is a great opportunity for the clubs to socialize with one another, and this is a great time to meet significant others of our club members.

In addition to a fabulous evenine of food, fun, and fellowship, the club will hold its annual silent auction. Bid high and bid often, as all proceeds from the silent auction and the Spring Fling will benefit the many charitable activities of the club.

This event is open to the public. Tickets are on sale at the weekly Waterville Rotary meeting, Monday's at noon at the Alfond Youth Center, or contact Dan Parks at 465-2000 to reserve your seat today!
Spring Fling 2014 Bruce Harrington 2014-03-24 00:00:00Z 0
Helping our community and our world -- Charitable activity for 2011-2012 Sarah Sugden 2012-07-01 00:00:00Z 0

Children's Book "Rhoda's Rescue" to Premiere at Waterville's Harvest Fest

Posted by Tina Chapman

 As part of its commitment to central Maine’s children, the Rotary Club of Waterville created the Rhoda Reads Early Literacy Program. The club’s goal is to assist pre-school children up to age five and help them develop a passion for reading, a skill that is crucial for their future academic and vocational success.

Throughout 2013, Rotarians received training on how to read to young students and were matched with ‘reading buddies’ at childcare providers and preschools in the Waterville area. Each Rotarian was equipped with a tool kit that included a variety of books, along with a stuffed ‘Rhoda’ owl that serves as the program mascot.

As part of the literacy project, Rotary also asked Pulitzer Prize-winning Maine author Barbara Walsh to create a story that reflected the club’s commitment to community.  Walsh wrote “Rhoda’s Rescue,” a tale about an owl who uses her special powers to help her forest friends. The book is illustrated by Maine artist Abby Grieg.

Rhoda’s Rescue will be released to Rotarians and the public internationally in early October. The first book signing will be Sunday, October 5th, 2:00-5:00 pm Imageat Waterville’s Harvest Festival at Head of Falls. Following a reading by the author, both Walsh and Artist Grieg will sign books during the event.

“Rhoda’s Rescue” is also available online, in Maine book stores, and through Maine Authors Publishing at<> or 207-594-0091. For more information about the Rhoda Reads project, please contact the Rotary Club of Waterville<>

Children's Book "Rhoda's Rescue" to Premiere at Waterville's Harvest Fest Tina Chapman 0
Born Learning Trail Receives Press Coverage Tina Chapman 0

Waterville Rotary's Born Learning Trail

Posted by Tina Chapman

Suzanne Uhl-Melanson, Nikki Raymond and Tina Chapman painting stencil's for Waterville Rotary's Born Learning Trail on North Street in Waterville.Image

Waterville Rotary's Born Learning Trail Tina Chapman 0
8/9/2010 Senator Libby Mitchell, Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Kelleher 0
8/2/2010 District Governor Claude Martel Steve Kelleher 0
7/26/2010 Don Kniseley, Executive Director of Tedford Housing discussed Ending Homelessness Steve Kelleher 0
7/19/2010 Candace Hill, Executive Director, Community Dental Center Steve Kelleher 0
7/12/2010 Club Assembly: President Seth Sherwood Steve Kelleher 0
6/26/2010 Club Assembly President Sarah Sugden Steve Kelleher 0
6/21/2010 Jennifer Howe, Sexual Assault and Crisis Intervention Center Steve Kelleher 0
6/14/2010 Tom Sturtevant and Trapper Clark, ALCOM Steve Kelleher 0
6/7/2010 Gerry Boyle, Author Steve Kelleher 0
5/24/2010 Evert Fowle, Kennebec County District Attorney - Embezzlement Steve Kelleher 0
5/17/2010 Diversion to Assets, Nancy Souza, Director of the South End Teen Center Steve Kelleher 0

5/10/210 Club Assembly

Posted by Steve Kelleher
President Sarah Sugden led a Club Assembly Meeting to discuss the past year and give the committee chairs an opportunity to share updates on their activities.
5/10/210 Club Assembly Steve Kelleher 0
5/3/2010 Matt O'Donnell and Ted Helberg Discussed From the Fishouse Steve Kelleher 0
4/26/2010 Mary Anne Samuels and Irene Lee from the Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information Steve Kelleher 0
4/12/2010 Leila Musacchio, Director of Advertising at Mainbiz Discussed Her Organization and Its Impact on B-to-B Networking Steve Kelleher 0

4/5/2010 Classification Talks

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Rotarians Cathy Langlais, Janet Parkhurst, and Don Borman presented classification talks sharing information about their backgrounds, professions, and why they are involved with the Waterville Rotary Club.
4/5/2010 Classification Talks Steve Kelleher 0

3/29/2010 Don Chandler, Oak Pond Brewery

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Don Chandler, owner of the Oak Pond Brewery in Skowhegan, provided the Waterville Rotary Club with a behind the scenes look at the craft brewery industry and what Oak Pond Brewery is doing to produce a high quality beer for the region.
3/29/2010 Don Chandler, Oak Pond Brewery Steve Kelleher 0
3/22/2010 Club Assembly: Strategic Planning for 2010-2013 Steve Kelleher 0
3/15/2010 Sarah Sugden, Waterville Rotary Club President, Electronic Make-ups Steve Kelleher 0
3/8/2010 Dr. Joseph S. Tulchin, PhD, Public Security and Organized Crime in Latin America Steve Kelleher 0
3/1/2010 Erin Rice, Director of Marketing and Communications at Pine Tree Society Steve Kelleher 0
2/22/2010 Peter Martin on the Oxford County Casino Referendum Steve Kelleher 0
2/8/2010 Deb Staber, Curator of the L. C. Bates Museum Steve Kelleher 0
2/1/2009 John Butera, Executive Director of the Central Maine Growth Council Steve Kelleher 0
1/25/2009 Classification Talks from Sharon Abrams and Tim Beals Steve Kelleher 0
1/11/2010 Scott Bullock Describes an Overview of the MaineGeneral Building Project Steve Kelleher 0
1/4/2010 Dana Perry from Backyard Farms in Madison, ME Steve Kelleher 0

12/28/2009 Remaining Items Auctioned Off

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Master Auctioneer Jim Julia auctioned off 22 items that were not taken during the the Annual Radio Auction earlier this month. The results of this "mini-auction" added another $1025 to the proceeds of this annual event.
12/28/2009 Remaining Items Auctioned Off Steve Kelleher 0
12/21/2009 Rotarians Shared What They Were Happy About This Holiday Season Steve Kelleher 0
12/14/2009 Ken Walsh, Executive Director on the Alfond Youth Center's Impact on Central Maine Steve Kelleher 0
12/7/2009 Professor Robert Weisbrot from Colby Discussed Pearl Harbor and Its Impact on US Global Relations Steve Kelleher 0
11/302009 Anita Diaz, Rotary Youth Exchange Student Shares Her Experiences Steve Kelleher 0
11/23/2009 Waterville Rotary Club Prepares for Annual Radio Auction Steve Kelleher 0
11/16/2009 Classification Talks Steve Kelleher 0
11/9/2009 Nikki Desjardins and Cora Clukey discuss The Rotary Youth Leadership Award Experience Steve Kelleher 0
11/2/2009 Nan Bell, Family Violence Project Steve Kelleher 0
10/26/2009 Garrett Martin discussed National Health Reform and Lessons Learned from Maine Steve Kelleher 0
10/19/2009 Congressman Michael Michaud Addresses the Waterville Rotary Club Steve Kelleher 0
10/5/2009 The Emerging Role of Woody Biomass for Heat Energy Steve Kelleher 0
9/28/2009 Tom McAdam, CEO of Kennebec Behavioral Health, Discusses Kennebec Behavioral Health Steve Kelleher 0
9/21/2009 Laurie Lachance Assesses the Maine Economy Steve Kelleher 0

9/14/2009 Sustain Mid-Maine Update

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Steve Erario, a Colby student, and Jamie Nemecek, a Unity College student, presented an update on Sustain Mid-Maine, a grassroots nonprofit group working on environmental sustainability issues.
9/14/2009 Sustain Mid-Maine Update Steve Kelleher 0
8/31/2009 Kara Kugelmeyer from Thorndike Publishing on the Future of Publishing Steve Kelleher 0
8/24/2009 F. Lee Bailey, Esq. Discusses a Successful Inmate Re-entry Program Steve Kelleher 0
8/17/2009 Lauren Shaw, The Cambodian Water Crisis Steve Kelleher 0
8/10/2009 Peter Vigue, Presidet, Cianbro Corporation Steve Kelleher 0
8/3/2009 Classification Talks (Kim Lindlof, John Dalton, and Kim Hawkes) Steve Kelleher 0
7/27/2009 Bob Froberg, FairPoint Communications Steve Kelleher 0
7/20/2009 Qiam Amiry (Colby '09) Discusses the Afghan Scholars Initiative Steve Kelleher 0
7/13/2009 Incoming President Sarah Sugden Addresses the Club Membership Steve Kelleher 0
7/6/2009 Incomiong District Governor Sylvia Ploude Addresses the Club Membership Steve Kelleher 0
6/29/2009 Club Assembly: Outgoing President Ally Karter Steve Kelleher 0
6/22/2009 Classification Talks: Sarah Sugden, Seth Sherwood, and Don Plourde Steve Kelleher 0
6/15/2009 Meredith Jones, President of the Maine Community Foundation Steve Kelleher 0
6/8/2009 DG Yves Fecteau Visits the Waterville Rotary Club Steve Kelleher 0
6/1/2009 Raffi DerSimonian Presents on his Ambassadorial Scholarship Experience in Germany Steve Kelleher 0
5/18/2009 Paul Harris Fellowship Celebration Steve Kelleher 0
5/11/2009 Hathaway Creative Center Nancy Gallagher 0

05/04/09 Social Media

Posted by Nancy Gallagher

Today's speaker was our own Marc Pitman, presenting the following PowerPoint presentation on Social Media (that's websites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. for those of us who are new to this.)

05/04/09 Social Media Nancy Gallagher 0

4/27/2009 " Barrels Community Market Presentation"

Posted by Nancy Gallagher

Barrels Community Market will offer food, crafts, and a dynamic community event space in the former Lamey Wellehan location at 74 Main Street in downtown Waterville.  Waterville Main Street is their parent organization.  Planned opening day is June 21.

4/27/2009 " Barrels Community Market Presentation" Nancy Gallagher 0
4/13/2009 Maine's "Take It Outside" Initiative Steve Kelleher 0

4/6/2009 "Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention"

Posted by Steve Kelleher

Karen Heck described how that organization is working to help girls deconstruct today's media messages about who they should be: blonde, thin and pretty, in order to help them realize they cannot live up to this impossible standard.

4/6/2009 "Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention" Steve Kelleher 0

Paul Harris Luncheon

Posted by Mark Ford

Come join us on May 18th to celebrate the Rotary Foundation and all our peers who help to keep it vibrant.  RSVP requested!


Paul Harris Luncheon Mark Ford 0
Waterville Rotary Club Banner Design Contest Elizabeth Vanderweide 0
March 30th, 2009 Trails Trails Trails Cathy Langlais 0
March 23 Club Assembly Nancy Gallagher 0

Rotary Foundation March 31st Deadling Approaching

Posted by Mark Ford

While the 1:1 Matching Program will expire on June 30th, and all donors (sustaining donors, Existing Paul Harris Fellows, and benefactors) to the Rotary Foundation will be recognized at the PHF Luncheon, only new Paul Harris Fellows  who made their donations by March 31st will have their certificates for the ceremony.
Rotary Foundation March 31st Deadling Approaching Mark Ford 0

Los Naranjos in Honduras

Posted by Alice Anderman
Los Naranjos - Honduras - Health and Hygiene Clinic
Rotary Project 2009

This month our Rotary cup donations will go to purchase health and hygiene items for the small town of Los Naranjos in Honduras.  You can also bring the following items to Rotary.  These items will be taken to Los Naranjos when First Congregational Church returns to Los Naranjos later this year in early next year.

Los Naranjos in Honduras Alice Anderman 0
March 16th, 2009 YETE Steve Kelleher 0

March 9th, 2009 Polio Plus

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Carol Coffin, District 7790 Director for Polio Plus thanked Ally for the invitation to speak to our Club today on this subject that is near and dear to her heart.  She recalled several personal experiences that she has encountered throughout her life with polio victims and shared that it is likely that each of those present has a similar story to tell.
March 9th, 2009 Polio Plus Steve Kelleher 0
YETE Employer Information Nancy Findlan 0
March 2, 2009 Classification Talks Steve Kelleher 0

GSE Training

Posted by Cathy Langlais
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Raffi, Sabrina and Jean-Louis in Quebec City for GSE training!  Read more information about the Waterville Rotary Clubs GSE hosting opportunities.  Can you help?

GSE Training Cathy Langlais 0

February 23, 2009 - Colby student Jenny Chen

Posted by Steve Kelleher
Jenny Chen, a freshman at Colby was our guest speaker today.  Jenny is a former Rotaract member in high school.  She is from Montgomery County, MD.  In her presentation, she shared her experiences over the past several years with her brother developing and marketing a literary magazine for kids.
February 23, 2009 - Colby student Jenny Chen Steve Kelleher 0
February 2nd, Community Catalyst for Energy Conser Steve Kelleher 0

February 9th, Maine State Police

Posted by Steve Kelleher

Ally Karter began the meeting by asking the Rotarians present to pause for a moment of silence in memory of fellow Rotarians Louis Rancourt and Ray Kozen, who passed away since our last meeting.

February 9th, Maine State Police Steve Kelleher 0
January 26 2009, Letourneau Steve Kelleher 0
January 12, 2009 Wyly Steve Kelleher 0

Rotarians with 50+ Years of service

Posted by Cathy Langlais
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The Green Street plaque honoring Rotarians with 50+ years of service has been through a lot.  It was attached to a metal rod, stolen, recovered, refurbished and now sits proudly attached to a new granite rock.
Rotarians with 50+ Years of service Cathy Langlais 0
Make your EREY Contribution here Cathy Langlais 0

January 5th, 2009

Posted by Steve Kelleher

Ryan Liberty introduced today's speaker, his brother, Randall Liberty the current Sheriff of Kennebec County.

January 5th, 2009 Steve Kelleher 0
Membership Survey Seth Sherwood 0

December 29th, Club Assembly

Posted by Lisa Simm
Ally Karter started the meeting off by challenging all members to generate concepts and ideas for the future work of Waterville Rotarians.
December 29th, Club Assembly Lisa Simm 0

BOD announce PHF 1:1 match

Posted by Mark Ford
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We just received news that as a result of changes that the Rotary Foundation is making, the club will not be able to offer the same matching program in the future. 

So, retroactive to July 1, 2008, the Waterville Rotary Club will be matching each contribution to the Annual Giving Fund (EREY) dollar for dollar. 

BOD announce PHF 1:1 match Mark Ford 0
December 22, 2008 Hospice Steve Kelleher 0

December 15, 2008 MCIR

Posted by Louise Smith
Maine Center for Integrative Rehabilitation (MCIR: Speakers Scott Mayo, Clinical Director, and Waterville Rotarian Glenn Leavitt.
December 15, 2008 MCIR Louise Smith 0
December 8, 2008 UM Chancellor Nancy Gallagher 0

Salvation Army Bell Ringing Signups

Posted by Cathy Langlais
Our dates for ringing the Salvation Army Bells are December 11th and 12th. More information will follow. Please set aside times during these two dates to help ring the bell in support of this hands on community service event.  The following is the sign up sheet for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing for Dec 11 and 12th at Walmart.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing Signups Cathy Langlais 0
November 17th Club Meeting Recap Cathy Langlais 0

Annual Golf Tournament

Posted by Cathy Langlais
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The Waterville Rotary Annual Golf Tournament was a roaring success.  The golfers had a perfect day to be on the links, the food was delicious and bets were made (and lost!).
Annual Golf Tournament Cathy Langlais 0

Pig Roast Auction

Posted by Cathy Langlais
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Once again the Waterville Rotary Pig Roast Auction was a huge success, much fellowship and a lot of fund raising.  Thanks to all who participated in this event.  See the photo journal for the pig roast auction, lower link on the right hand column.

Pig Roast Auction Cathy Langlais 0

Radio Auction

Posted by Cathy Langlais
December 3rd and 4th are the dates of the 2008 Waterville Rotary Club Radio Auction. Members are urged to get their slips in by October 20th. December 5th will be the pick-up date. Rotarians will be asked to work at least one of the three dates.l
Radio Auction Cathy Langlais 0

Rotary Centennial Trail

Posted by Cathy Langlais
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The Rotary Centennial Trail is at its most beautiful time of year.  Please enjoy a relaxing walk (or even a jog) down this wonderful trail.
Rotary Centennial Trail Cathy Langlais 0