Sarah provided the members present with an overview of the accomplishments the Club achieved during her presidential year.
Rotary Meeting for Monday, June 28, 2010 held at the Alfond Youth Center - Here is a recap in case you missed our meeting!

Sergeant at Arms


Matt Clark served as our Sergeant of Arms today. Thanks, again Matt!!!!!



Harold Buzzell was our Greeter today. Thanks, Buzz!!

50/50 Tickets


Nikki Desjardins sold $126 for the 50/50 raffle today and Duane Wheeler was the winner of $63. Nikki will sell tickets again on June 28th. Lucille Zelenkewich won 10 free tickets for next week's meeting's 50/50 drawing.

World Service Cup


The donations for this month's World Service Cup will go to purchasing clothing for domestic violence victims who must leave their clothing at the hospital.

Fined for pictures in the Paper


Nancy Gallagher and Mary Ann Beal were fined $5 for their pictures in the paper this week.

Cell Phones


A $10.00 fee for cell phone ringing continues for the 2009-2010 Club year. No fines assessed today.

On Leave


Joan Phillips-Sandy

Paul LePage

Dan Bickford

Sharon Corwin

Ally Karter

Deb Schmid

Visiting Rotarians and Guests


Buzz Buzzell welcomed Pete Clark from the Seminole County (FL) Rotary Club.

Kim Hawkes introduced Mary Ann Beale

What can you do?


* Tell Board Members what you are passionate about for community projects

* Tell the program committee about interesting speakers/topics you would like to listen to

* Be involved, join a committee

* Be active

* Be positive

Happy Dollars


Cathy Langlais had a Happy Dollar for the great year Sarah has had as President..

Mark Ford was happy because the Day's Golf Team did not come in last in today's golf tournament .... primarily because it was cancelled due to the rain..

Ed Riggs shared that over the past week he was in Florida assisting his nephew and his nephew's father-in-law with some health issues, a journey which ultimately took him to Portland, OR for care.

Seth Sherwood had 2 Happy Dollars for the time he spent at the RI International Convention in Montreal. He will give us an update later on his experiences there.

Mary An Beal was happy about the fact that she can work from home in her current role. She also had a Happy Dollar for the fact that Al Corey's is open again and shared a neat story about her granddaughter wanting to dance in front of the store after she learned the story of l from Mary Ann..

Lucille Zelenkewich had a Happy Dollar for the help she received from her Program Committee Members this year.

Gary Hammond was happy (in a good way) about the leave of absence that a fellow Rotarian is taking over the next several months it assist Paul LePage with his campaign.

Erica Humphrey shared that she recently had surgery on her eye and that everything is going well.

Kim Lindlof had 2 Happy Dollars .......1) The Chamber Board recently voted to purchase the St. Francis Credit Union building on Elm St. It's a great location and they are very excited. 2) Kim also shared that her Board has authorized a 4 month leave of absence for her to take on the role of Finance Director for Paul LePage's campaign committee. Kim is also very excited about this opportunity and is hoping to make a difference for him.

Sarah Sugden had several Happy Dollars and started out sharing how much she enjoyed them and all that is going on downtown School St. Yoga; the Chamber Building Project; the scaffolding at Day's Jewelers; the flags in the flower boxes; the Barrel's Market successes; the Head of Falls development project; Educare project; the Opera House project; the movement of the primary care practice into the old Rite Aid building; the Hathaway Building development project; the stores that are the backbone of downtown; he library project; and for Rotary ....... WOW! Sarah shared how proud she is to be a Rotarian and be part of an organization that does as much as it does for kids, health, and clean water.



There will not be a meeting next week because of the 4th of July Holiday..

.There will be a Rotary Golf Committee meeting after we adjourn.

Nikki shared that she just got a supply of "No Excuse for Domestic Violence' bumper stickers. Members can pick up their sticker from Nikki after the meeting.

Seth shared that we will have our new District Governor attending the meeting on August 2 and that there will be a Board Meeting immediately prior to the regular meeting at 10:30.

Upcoming speaker schedule:


July 12, 2010 Seth Sherwood "Club Assembly: New President's Kickoff Comments"

July 19, 2010 Candace Hill "Community Dental Health Center"

July 26, 2010 Don Kniseley "Homelessness in Maine"

August 2, 2010 District Governor "District Project"

Waterville Rotary Club Web Site


Today's Program: Club Assembly: End of Year Wrap up (Sarah Sugden, President)

Sarah provided the members in attendance an overview of a number of the year's activities and accomplishments: Scholarships - Over the past year, with the Stock Market's ups and downs, the Board decided to look at its investment policy, in particular with respect to the Scholarship Fund. In spite of the pressures, we were still able to award 4 scholarships to local high school seniors. After a big dip, the fund has now returned to being just under $100K.

Tax Status - Because of our current 501(c)(4) tax status, contributors are not allowed to deduct donation. As such we have begun looking into the requirements to change that status to 501(c)(3). Matt Clark has agreed to help guide us through that process.

Charitable Accounts - The Charitable Account has built up a significant amount of cash and Allan and Don have been looking at how to better maximize the return until such time as the funds are dispersed. Sarah then shared the projects we supported over the past year:

----> Post Polio Syndrome

----> Christmas presents for 2 families that were victims of domestic violence

----> The L.C. Bates back packs

----> The support for the YETE Program

----> 4 college scholarships

----> Hardy Girls Healthy Women

----> Polio Plus

----> South Asia Institute

----> Afghan Scholars

----> All of our partnerships and collaborations

Long Term Planning - Sarah shared that with the changes in membership and venues, the club has experienced a drop in attendance over the past year and as such there have been some residual impacts that we will need to address over the next year. As an example, she shared that because of the minimum number of meals we need to guarantee each week, the number of attendees getting lunch has not been sufficient to cover our meal cost, thus creating a situation that is unsustainable and will need to be addressed. She shared that the Strategic Planning process has begun which should continue into Seth's year and address these issues.

Sarah concluded by thanking the Club for all the support she has received over the past year and for the hard work that as done by the Board and the Committee Chairs.

Seth then presented Sarah with the Pat President's pin and noted that in lieu of receiving the traditional gift from the Club, Sarah has elected to have a donation be made to the RI Foundation.