District Governor Claude Martel shared his passion for Rotary. He outlined his five goals for this Rotary year.
Rotary Meeting for Monday, August 2, 2010 held at the Alfond Youth Center - Here is a recap in case you missed our meeting!

Sergeant at Arms


Lisa Simm served as our Sergeant of Arms today. Thanks, Lisa!!!!!



Duane Wheeler was our Greeter today. Thanks, Jim!! Our Greeter next week will be John Fortier.

50/50 Tickets


Doug Legg sold $82 for the 50/50 raffle today and Greg Perkins was the winner of $42. Greg will sell tickets again on August 9th. Ed Oliver won 10 free tickets for next week's meeting's 50/50 drawing.

World Service Cup


The recipient of donations for this month's World Service Cup will be the Evening Sandwich Program at the Universalist Unitarian Church in Waterville.

Fined for pictures in the Paper


There were no Rotarians fined for their pictures in the paper this week.

Cell Phones


A $10.00 fee for cell phone ringing continues for the 2009-2010 Club year. No fines assessed today.

On Leave


Joan Phillips-Sandy

Paul LePage

Dan Bickford

Sharon Corwin

Ally Karter

Deb Schmid

Visiting Rotarians and Guests


Seth introduced District Governor Claude and Martel and his wife Francine..

Lou Smith introduced Peter Clark, a frequent Rotarian visitor from the Seminole County (FL) Club..

What can you do?


* Tell Board Members what you are passionate about for community projects

* Tell the program committee about interesting speakers/topics you would like to listen to

* Be involved, join a committee

* Be active

* Be positive

Happy Dollars


Seth Sherwood was very happy for the greaqt weather for he and his wife to be out biking with their 4 year-ols who is able to go without training wheels.

Steve Kelleher shared that they spent the week end in Burlington at Chris Carpenter's daughter's wedding. Chris is the former Director of Social Services and Case Management at MaineGeneral and sends his best to his friends here. Steve also shared that "The Last Five Years" will begin its showing at the Studio Theater beginning this Thursday and will run for the next two week ends.

Jerry Tipper shared the thanks of John Campbell and Qiam Amiry from the Afghan Scholars Program for the hospitality they received from the Club last week. They enjoyed their visit and will plan to keep us posted on their progress. Jerry also wanted to share that the Mid-Maine Global Form will be having its annual diiner meeting at Colby on Monday, August `16th at 7:00 PM. Erik Peterson, an international expert on the issue of water availability will be the speaker.

Jim Julia had a Happy Dollar about a gift he won at the Spring Fling ââ'¬Â¦. a machine gun shoot with Elery Keene's son, an Army officer and expert in machine gunnery. Jim shared that they had a great time learned a tremendous amount about machine guns, and highly recommends the gift.

Nancy Gallagher shared that she and Mike, Suzanne and Jeff, Jim and Fay had a great beer tasting visit with the Sugden's. This was another gift that was won at the Fling. They had a wonderful time!

Peter Garrett shared that he and Jean Ann recently had an energy audit done on their house and surprisingly he was able to cut the usage of wood from 2 cords/year to 1Ã'½. He shared some of the facts on the savings and how benefits can be realized through Energy Maine.




Lou Smith shared that the International Service Committee will meet 2 weeks from today after the regular meeting.

Doug Caarnrick shared that the RYLA Committee is still looking for applications from interested candidates for the annu=al RYLA Copnference at Northern Outdoors in the Forks in Septemebr. To date there have been no applications. Interested sponsors may forward nominations to him forthe Committee's attention.

Nikki shared that the Golf Committee will meet after today's adjournment. Doug also shared the the new Club travelling banner, which is now available to members visiting other clubs during their travels.

Upcoming speaker schedule:


August 9 2010 Senator Libby Mitchell "Candidate for Governor"

August 16, 2010 Lynn Twitchell "WISE Zambia Project Update"

August 23, 2010 Mayor Paul LePage "Candidate for Governor"

August 30 2010 Eliot Cutler "Candidate for Governor"

Waterville Rotary Club Web Site



Today's Program: District Governor Claude Martel (Annual District Governor Visit)

District Governor Claude Martel shared his passion for Rotary. He outlined his five goals for this Rotary year.

Mr. President Seth Sherwood, ADG Cliff Hannon, members, and guests:

Thank you for your welcoming my wife Francine and me in your club.

It is an honor and a privilege for me to share with you all year 2010-2011, members of the Waterville club.

One day in 1905, during a meeting of the first Rotary Club in Chicago, Paul Harris said:

"We're in a changing world. We must prepare ourselves for change. "

105 years ago, the same message today was timely. The society is constantly evolving.

Rotary is not an exception.

To cope with change and be effective, we must be willing to do things differently, to change our ways.

In Rotary, we need leaders, changing agents, enthusiasts, people who want to improve their local communities and abroad.

I firmly believe that if each of you in your club give the best of yourselves, you can accomplish great things together in 2010-2011, and we will be proud.

You know the Rotary motto "Service Above Self"

We must act and serve with friendship.

And this is our goal, during the next year: SERVE together and know where we are going.

Rotary Theme 2010-2011

You have probably already been asked one day to explain in your own words what is Rotary.

Very often, we do not know what to answer or you wonder what could be concrete enough to understand what you feel as Rotarians.

Our International President 2010-2011, Ray Klinginsmith, wanted to make us aware, through its annual theme, who we are and what we do best, as a Rotarian.

ââ'¬Â¢ What do we do better in Rotary?

"Building communities; Bridging Continents"

Bill Gates said at his press conference announcing his participation in $ 200 million of its Foundation for Polio Plus: "Rotary is the best organization in the world."

We are lucky and privileged to be Rotarians.

ââ'¬Â¢ I am a Rotarian for 10 years.

ââ'¬Â¢ I am proud to belong to that organization that successfully eradicated 99.9% of the most feared diseases on earth, Polio, from 2,000,000 cases in 1979 to less than 2000 cases in the end of 2009.

There are 4 countries with Polio:





Together this spells pain.

* In last 6 months:

0 case in Negeria

* In last 3 months

0 case in Afganisthan

And you, do you share this pride as much as me? If so, you will act on your clubs and our district, because we believe in the power of Rotary.

Here are my goals for 2010-2011:

My main task will be to improve the vitality and viability of clubs, an important task, because these are the clubs that meet the needs of communities and countries of the Third World.

How to achieve those goals?

1. Club Leadership Plan: the administrative base of the club. In clubs, members' participation in meaningful activities, organized and visible in the community must lead them to feel a sense of belonging and pride. The clubs must be sure of their direction and have to have clear objectives, known and shared by all members.

Do not be afraid to challenge some traditions of your club and district; in order to attract and keep new members we must be ambitious, visionary, aiming high.

We must sometimes take risks.

We must dare to ask the question:

"Why are we doing things this way? "

We must dream the future of your club.

Where will your club be in 10 years?

How will you help your club become bigger, better and bolder?

We have to ask: What should we keep? What needs improvement? How to increase the enthusiasm of the members?

2. Membership

How many members were in Rotary in June 30, 2010?

Just over 1.2 million. How many members were in Rotary 8 years ago, in


Just over 1.2 million. How many new members were added to Rotary

between 2002 and 2010?

More than 1 million. Why are we losing members?

In Asia, hundreds of new Rotary clubs every year for the past 5 years.

There are as many new members as members who leave the club.

Why do we invite prospects to join our club?

Why did he come in your club?

Why did he leave?

What is the difference between what he expected and what he got?

How can we meet the challenge to retain our members?

RI has a satisfaction survey to present to all members.

We have to propose this survey each 2 years to make sure all members are happy in the club.

A study on the social implications of Americans says that most people do not join organizations, but they join causes. We must therefore take advantage of this trend to attract new members. You must see the big picture and attract people looking for Rotarians' causes.

In our district, we lost 300 members over the last 6 years.

More members means more opportunities to serve and assist, which confirms our annual theme of building communities.

We must therefore open to new generations, they have much to teach us and give us.

We will have to build bridges with the new generations.

There are hundreds of young people waiting for our invitation. We have to ask them.

A club in action retains its members.

Our international president, Ray Klinginsmith, says: "Changes in our vision and our methods of recruitment will reveal a new perspective for future generations of Rotarians."

We must create new clubs built on the values of young professionals searching for causes, introducing new concepts of weekly meetings.

We need to create Interact and Rotaract clubs for young students and young workers. We should be listening to them to know their motivations. They will be the ones who pass on our values in future generations.

3. Rotary Foundation:

The Future Vision Plan will be officially in force

in 2013-2014.

o The plan will give more responsibility, control and flexibility to the district and clubs in managing their own funds.

I believe in the solidarity of the clubs and the district to achieve this goal. We have to be ready for 2013-2014.

To achieve this goal, we must participate to the financing of the Rotary Foundation

ââ'¬Â¢ EREY ($ 100 donation each year)

In 2008-2009: Average of 62$/member.

In 2009-2010: Average of 48$/member

All should contribute according to their means

ââ'¬Â¢ Polio-Plus target of $ 2,000 / club to support the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, (or $ 100 per member for clubs under 10 members).

* Permanent Funds

o Benefactor

ââ'¬Â¢ In 2013-2014, it will work together with other clubs in the district to make the most of the funding programs of the Foundation.

Starting this year, we must provide opportunities for planning joint activities. Already winning actions were carried out in recent years for some international projects and to mark the anniversary of Rotary on February 23.

The movement started in our district and we are all winners with these joint achievements.

ââ'¬Â¢ Economic conditions are not ideal right now, but do not penalize the Foundation, because of these conditions.

The Foundation supports local and international programs.

The club projects are in need of the Foundation.

The Foundation belongs to the Rotarians.

ââ'¬Â¢ We are Rotarians, we must support our Foundation.

4. District Project

In 2010-2011, the project of District 7790 will continue its second year of three in the village of Cojimies Ecuador.

The draft next year will bring fresh water to an area of town not yet served by previous projects, started in 2004 when PDG Gary Walker had sponsored a first phase by digging three wells and a tower water and water distribution in one part of the village

The contribution of clubs and districts to supply fresh water to communities is an important goal of our International President Ray Klinginsmith and is entirely consistent with the Future Vision Plan of the Rotary Foundation.

At 2010 PETS, 29 clubs have confirmed their commitment to the project district, reaching $ 28,500.

It is really exciting to see this commitment from the clubs in this project which seeks U.S. $ 90,000. The District Foundation and the Rotary Foundation will be invited to improve our program by granting $ 25,000 each.

With the enthusiasm of the clubs and the district, I am confident that together we will help change the world, there in Ecuador.

"They need us, Yes we can help, yes we must help them. "...

5. 2011 District Conference

In Quebec city, in 2011 June 3, 4, 5.

I hope to have a minimum of 3 members by club for all the conference.

I saw so many great local and international actions in most of the clubs.

Those experiences have to be known by other clubs.

We will share our experiences and have the opportunity to discuss our local and international projects.

We will also have the opportunity to share our views on our dream for our clubs and the district.

I hope I will meet members of your club at the district conference.


If we are proud to belong to Rotary, we must also be aware that our responsibilities are changing.

Our success will depend on the time and tenacity that each one of you will be willing to make to boost your club.

To change the world, we do not need talent;

we need PASSION.

The District 7790 exists because there are clubs, and the district, as Rotary International, exist to support your actions and help you to be leaders in your communities.

Feel free to use all the re/sources of the district.

By giving the best of ourselves, all together, we can not fail.

We are assured of advancing the Rotary.

To succeed this year, all we need to do, is to encourage members to achieve what passionate Rotarians and what we do best, namely:

Building Communities and Bridging continents

If we manage to make the club stronger, more ambitious during the year, the Rotary's best days are in front of us.

Finally, I wish to thank you sincerely for the efforts you do for your local and international action.

Really, you can help to change the world.

I believe in you, each of you, members of Waterville Rotary Club

and I believe in the potential of your club.

We are privileged to be Rotarian.

Together we can make a better world.

Thanks for being Rotarians motivated by commitment and action.

After District Governor Martel's presentation, Seth honored him with a certificate noting that 10 children will receive polio vaccinations in his name as a token of appreciation and with the thanks and best wishes of the Club.