Committee Report December 7th
Vocational Service
Our three sub-committees reported on the tasks that they have undertaken. Ideas for other projects (and for these) are welcome from any Rotarian.
Sarah Sugden, Nancy Findlan and Tom Longstaff attended a meeting on Monday, December 7th which was called to review the YETE program recently completed, to consider strengths and weaknesses and to arrive at preliminary suggestions for ways in which a future could build upon the success of the first attempt and what we would want to do differently. There was also a discussion of funding and other operational details. Tentatively the plan is to have a second YETE program during the months of April and May, 2010 with employment in the summer. Further meetings will be scheduled to move forward with plans for the program and funding.
Doug Carnrick, who is working with Harold Buzzell on a design for our new banner (the one taken to other clubs when members visit) had nothing specific to report at this meeting.
Erica Humphrey (who is working with Matthew Clark and Doug Legg) reported that conversations with the Roteract group at Colby are moving along well. That group would like to work with us to identify projects where they could serve however with the examination period at the end of the semester and the holiday season upon us it will not be until early next year that these conversations are continued.
Members of the Vocational Committee this year are: Sharon Abrams, Harold Buzzell, Doug Carnrick, Matthew Clark, Nancy Findlan, Erica Humphrey, Doug Legg, Elizabeth Vanderweide and Tom Longstaff